Monday, May 19, 2014

Body weight, Full body work out!

Inspirella here! 

So, I found this pin on Pinterest quite awhile ago, but I didn't pin it, and I thought I had, whoops! But, I took a picture of it on my phone, so this is the picture y'all get to see! So ignore all of the funky little computer lines on the picture! Sorry for that!


Let me tell you something, I was sweating like a pig during this workout y'all, and I even modified it! The great part of it is it's a great full body workout, you don't need any equipment, and you can take your time doing it!

So let me tell you what I did!

I did the warm up as instructed. It really gets your heart pumping!
I did all 3 circuits, each with a different modification.

(I only did each circuit twice, not three times. After each circuit, I took a one minute break, after each exercise, I took a 30 second break.)

Circuit One: 
20 Squats
15 Squat Jumps
5 Burpees (That was the modification.)
Circuit Two:
20 Mountain Climbers
15 Push Ups (I did these modified on my knees, I'm not the best with push ups, I am building up to get better! That was the modification.)
10 Bridges
Circuit Three:
20 Alternating Lunges
15 Plie Squats
10 Calf Raises
I did each of these the same, no modifications. Taking a 30 second break between each exercise.

(You can modify this workout too, modify it to fit your own level!)

Good job with this workout y'all! You are doing fabulous. Keep up the good work, and don't forget, if you have a certain area of your body you would like to work on, let me know, I will help you in the best way possible that I can!

Stay Strong, Stay Motivated, and Stay Strong!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Rest Day(s)

Inspirella here! Today isn't about a workout in fact, it's about quite the opposite. Resting.
Your body needs to rest after exercising all week, usually my rest days are Sunday for many reasons,

  1.  The gym is closed 
  2.  It's the easiest day to just be a bum 
  3. Sunday is the day I usually spend with friends and family 
Rest days are important to have in any routine, whether you workout 6 days a week like me, or you only workout 3, rest days are needed. They are so important because your body needs time to relax. You can overwork the muscles you've been training. The muscles need time to "have a spa day," to get used to what you are doing so you can change it up when it becomes to boring. 
On rest days it it important to still eat healthy and remain in all the other healthy habits you have formed. Just because it is a rest day, doesn't mean you can go and eat 5 pounds of cupcakes. Rest days and cheat days are completely different. 
Rest Day-(Happens every week, 1,2, or 3 days.) letting your body relax and form to what you are doing
Cheat Day- (Happens once every two or three weeks)  Eating a small french fry from the drive through or eating that brownie you've been craving. 
See the difference? 
So pick a day(s) that work well for you! If you workout 6 days a week, Sunday might be the easiest. If you workout 3 days a week, then Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, & Sunday might work best. Just find the days that work best for you.
I know, my little picture I have there is so true with me, I usually work on homework, but since summer is coming, I have to think about what I am going to do, so I've figured it out, grab an awesome book, go outside and sit outside in the sun and get my pre-tan on for Florida! Just find things to keep you occupied on rest days, maybe save those days for grocery shopping, or date nights, or movie days!
Stay Strong, Stay Motivated, and Keep Pushing!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Dorm Room Workout

Inspirella here! Today I am not feeling totally 100 percent, so I am just going to do a quick workout in my dorm room! (Yes, that means a workout in any small place or quiet place, because both of my roommates are still asleep!)

Also, remember how I said I was going to do Ripped in 30 with Jillian Michaels DVD? Well, my older sister said she has Shred it in 30 also with Jillian Michaels DVD, so I will be trying that one first, then I will move to ripped in 30, because free is always fabulous! So remember, I will be starting that challenge mid June, keep a look out for those workouts, progress, and posts!

Today's workout will be simple and quick, because I'm not feeling up to par with a great workout. Just remember, the only bad workout you have is one yo do not do. Even a simple small one here and there is still progress to where you want to be, so don't feel bad if you take a "small break" with a lighter load workout. And don't forget to take AT LEAST one day of rest during the week. Your muscles need time to relax and get rest from all the hard work you've been putting into them!

Warm up:
50 Jumping Jacks

20 squats
15 crunches
10 Bridges (Example) ------------->>
10 Heel Touches
10 Scissor Kicks
30 Second Plank
10 Leg Raises

Workout complete! :) Don't forget to stretch out afterwards, we don't need any cramped up muscles!
Stay Strong, Stay Motivated, and keep pushing! 

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Inspirella here! So sorry I have MIA for a few days, I've been so busy with projects for school!

Which reminds me, don't lose your motivation of being more healthy and fit! I'm going to be honest with you, in the past week I've had about 4 rest days, which is a big no no for me, because my body feels it, since it is used to working out just about 6 days a week! I kind of lost my way a bit because of only having 2 1/2 weeks of school left, professors just dumped so much on the to do list. So ,sorry for that!

I know it is hard to not lose motivation, because:

  1. We get busy
  2. We don't see the results we want to
  3. It's taking forever
Trust me, I have most certainly been there multiple times. A way to not lose motivation? Just keep going! What are the reasons you want to be more healthy, more fit? Write them out, post them on your wall, and look at it every single day. Get a buddy to exercise with. Trust me, if somebody is working out beside you, you'll have more motivation to finish a workout and do it at full intensity! Don't forget, you are doing this for yourself. No one else. You want to be happier, stronger, healthier. That alone boosts up the motivation you have by like 1,000 percent.

If your losing motivation because working out is boring, the routines, are blah, just switch it up! Take a class, Pilates, Zumba, or Kickboxing. See what your gym offers, see if the community you live in has any exercise classes they do. Go for a hike, a swim, canoeing, rock-climbing, or play some baseball. A change of scenery is always a great change of pace! That will for sure boost up your motivation!

Do a work out plan DVD. Buy one of the ones you see at Target, Walmart, etc, those are usually 3 or more week plans. Doing those will help you stay on track because you are following somebody for a certain amount of weeks. Buy one that intrigues you, one that you read the description and go, "Oh, this sounds awesome!" Jillian Michaels also has great DVD's in the stores and online, and I've done one or two, her workouts are great and super fun! When I go home for the summer I want to try her Ripped in 30 DVD. I've seen great results, it looks like a challenge and so much fun!
------------------------------------------------------------>>   (Seriously, if you want to see for yourself, check it out online! When I go home for the summer, I will be doing this, and I encourage you to do it with me! Think, middle of June.)

Trust me, if you lose you way, you will find your way back, you just stumbled. No worries, get right back to where you were and keep pushing forward!

Stay Strong, stay motivated, and keep pushing! 

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Lets hear it for the Mothers of the world!

Inspirella here! ( I am going to share a special workout with you today, but first I have something for all the mommas out there. ) Happy Mother's Day to all you wonderful ladies that have kiddos, grand kids, or are a fur momma. Your love is the most special in the world. Without your love, we wouldn't have come so far.

A mother's love is a special kind of love.
A love so strong, not even the devil can destroy it.
When a child is born, and momma sees that little soul for the first time, that's when the unconditional love begins.
Mother's are a special kind of person.
They are strong, selfless, confidant, and loving.
As they watch their baby grow into a toddler, tears form in their eyes.
The little one who not so long ago depended on mom to hold them, doesn't need to be held up for support any longer.
The little one waddling around is becoming independent right before mommas eye.
Soon enough the innocent eyed child is off to school, making friends, isn't home all the time.
Moms heart begins to cry.
Her little baby just isn't so little anymore.
Before they know it, their child is graduating high school. Their baby has come so far.
They have fought, cried, and laughed together.
The love of a mother is a love so strong and so caring that the little baby momma saw on day one, is still inside the grown child standing in front of her. She sees the innocent eyes of her baby looking at her and calling for help, saying, don't worry mom, I still need you, just as much as I needed you on day one.
(Poem By: Brittney Jarzenski)

Moms are the most influential people in the world, and they certainly deserve a day all to themselves to be reminded of how amazing they are. I love my momma and can't wait to see her again. <3
So call up your mom today if you aren't home, send her some love, and let her know she is appreciated.
Happy Mother's Day mommas.


Special workout as promised, right here. Since today is Mother's Day,
I figured I would do a workout inspired by my mother and childhood. Are you ready?

Warm Up:
Jumping Jacks [One Minute.]
Butt Kicks [30 seconds]

This workout is going to be centered around childhood, so grab a partner for this one!
Take a 15-30 Second break in between exercises.

-Wheel Barrow (whole length of room)
(Remember when you would have a friend hold up your legs and you would walk 
on your hands, yeah, that is such a good arm workout and builds your strength.)
-Sit ups (10 reps)
(Have your partner hold your feet for more support.)
-Leg lifts (20 reps)
(Have your partner stand behind you as you lie with your back on the ground,
grab your partners ankles and lift your legs, your partner will then push
your legs back to towards the floor. Make sure your feet do not hit the floor again.)
-Mountain Climbers (15 reps)
-Play Ball (10 reps)
(So, grab a ball that weighs 5 pounds, get into crunch position and do a crunch,
when you come up from the crunch, trow the ball to your partner. They will throw it back
and you will go back down to regular position.)

Rest and repeat. 
Remember to stretch afterwards, so we don't pull a muscle.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Sweat it Out!

Inspirella here! As promised, this post is all about workouts. Lets get the ball rolling shall we?

So workouts don't have to be all sorts of crazy and insane, workouts should depend on you. Everything you do for fitness should depend on you and your body, nothing else.
This isn't a competition to be better than person next to you at the gym or park, it's a competition with yourself. To get better than you were before. Stronger, more balanced, happier. It should never be a competition with the person lifting 50 pounds and your only lifting 8 pounds. DON'T WORRY. You will build up muscle overtime and you will get there. Change does not happen over night, it is a slow and forever going process.

Alright, workout time, get ready to sweat!

Warm Up:
(One Minute) Jumping Jacks
(One Minute) Butt Kicks.

(Now that we've got our hearts pumping, let's get our workout on!)

  • 20 squats

(Tip: Stay in the correct position for squats. Never let your knees come out past your toes. Butt back, chest out. Keep your back straight. Put your weight in your heels as you squat down. Squat lower for more of a challenge. Here is a picture for reference.)  

  • 5 push ups
  • 20 crunches
Rest for 30 seconds! You deserve it!

  • 20 leg raises
  • 15 heel touches
  • 60 second wall sit
Rest one minute and repeat!

{ CONGRATS! You finished the workout! I am proud of you!}

[ Tips to remember: ]

  1. Take your time. This is not a race. Pace yourself. These workouts  share do not need to be done in a certain amount of time.
  2. You can always do more or less. Not enough reps, add five. Too many reps, take off five.
  3. Stay hydrated while you exercise. Drink plenty of water!

These are all just suggestions, let me know if there is a certain area you want to work on, let me know and I will certainly help you!
Stay strong, stay motivated, and keep pushing!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Time is key.

Inspirella here! I've been asked the question, "When do I find the time to workout?" I can honestly tell you that there is no one answer to that question.
I personally workout around my schedule, and lately I've hit the gym at 5 or 5:30(p.m.) that way afterwards I can eat dinner! I also find that going to the gym at that time is the most convenient Monday-Thursday. (The days I have class.)
Really finding the time to workout lies within your own schedule. Find the time that works best for you, whether it be day or night. Also remember, you don't have to workout in a gym. You can workout anywhere, your home, the dorms, even outside. (If you workout outside please be careful and watch your surroundings.) Another factor to shift through when trying to find the perfect time to workout, do you mind working out in front of people or would you rather not have a crowd and just a few people there or even just yourself? I suggest scouting out the perfect time. If you workout in a gym go at different times for a week or two, see what feels most comfortable. If you workout in your home or dorm figure out if you don't mind working out in front of the people you share your home with or your roomies. If you enjoy working out outside, there's really no way to avoid a bunch of people, so find a place you are comfortable with. (Maybe under a shady tree, the track at a local school, etc.)

Remember: you should never feel awkward or uncomfortable around others when you are working out. If you do, find a new place, a new time, or just ignore the people staring at you. (After all, you are changing your life in healthy ways, so feel great about yourself!)

 Find your perfect time and lets start this journey to a stronger, healthier, more powerful you!

(Next blog post includes a workout, so stay tuned!)

Monday, May 5, 2014

Food Junkie.

Inpirella here! Okay, so fitness. I am not claiming that I am a professional or anything, but I certainly know what works for my body and what works for me. As you can guess, today I want to talk about food.
Most believe you have to go on some crazy diet plan to lose weight or "eat healthy." Wrong. The diet plans work but after you get off of them, you don't know what to eat by yourself or where to buy food or what to buy for that matter.
What is considered eating healthy? Is it a diet, being a vegan, drinking green smoothies? I don't believe there is one certain answer. I consider myself to be quite healthy, and I eat "normally." I eat burgers, ice cream, salad, chocolate, etc. Seriously if I can make changes to my body and meet my goals eating all of that then I don't believe in needing  to diet or all that jazz.

I eat two full meals a day (because my schedule is so busy with classes and studying.) I eat snacks in between. The trick I use to eating the "normal" foods is eating smaller portions. Just because a restaurant or the cafeteria at your school gives you so much food on a plate, that doesn't mean you have to eat it all right then and there. Try to include something green on your plate. A colorful plate means healthy. [So if you have a plate of chicken, rice, and potatoes, think of adding some corn, spinach, or broccoli.]
Also, desert. The killer to everybody's meals. You don't have to cut sweets and junk food out of your life completely, I mean that would just be crazy! Instead treat yourself once every two weeks or so with a brownie, a chocolate bar, or your favorite slice of cake. Don't eat them every single day, there's no need for that.
Eat until you are full not stuffed. Yes there is a difference. You know that feeling you get after Thanksgiving when you sit down and you feel like the button on your pants might just pop off? Yeah, that's the feeling of stuffed not full. That is a feeling you should avoid, (besides on those special holidays!) Being full means your satisfied, your stomach is not growling anymore, you feel good, not grouchy anymore, and you should be hungry about 2 hours later. (Just in time for a snack!)
Snacks. Just because snacks are generally related to sweets doesn't mean you have to eat sweets. Feeling something salty? Try trail mix. Feeling something sweet? Eat some strawberries or fruit. Save the sweets to treat yourself with later, as a reward for the hard work you've been doing. (Trust me, it will taste much better then!)

(Quick tip: Never eat a full meal before you workout, enjoy an orange or a small salad, give your body energy, and eat a meal afterwards. Remember, drink plenty of water!)

Friday, May 2, 2014

Working out while in College.

Inspirella here! So sorry I haven't updated y'all in just about a month, but I assure you I have a great reason! Take a look at the picture.
Fitness was my reason, I wanted to focus on that, school work, and spare time for myself. I have goals for my fitness, and I am just at the beginning of my road! The picture is a before and after. April 3rd to April 30th. Just the end of month on to reaching my goals.
I'm taking a spin on my blog and changing to fitness, because I seem to get a lot of questions asking what I do and how I do it, especially while in college.

Month one: April. "I just want abs!" Everybody's  thoughts, but when you had a six pack before, (check out them abs!) (Sorry for the terrible quality picture!)  --------------------------->>>>
It seems to be harder to get them back. So I have goal to get them back and keep them this time!
I know it isn't always the easiest to get to the gym or even workout at home when your in college, since we always seem to be busy, but I promise you, it is possible! You just have to have the motivation to do so! It all deals with motivation, working out, and what you eat. (Today's post will be about working out.) 

Workout Tips:
  • Start with a low number of reps if you are a beginner, listen to your body, if it feels like a muscle is going to tear, take a day off, don't strain your body past its pushing point, that is not healthy. 
  • Push yourself, your brain is the one that says "I can't," not your body. Your body is capable of so much, and you will never know just how much unless you push yourself!
  • Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water.
I try to keep them easy, so you can do them wherever you are comfortable doing them, wether that be the gym, outside, in your dorm room, or home. 
(Note: This exercise routine is just a suggestion, do what feels right for you, lower the reps or bump them up.)
  1. 15 Crunches
  2. Plank ( hold as long as you can!) 
  3. 10 Squats
  4. 10 Lunges (Each Leg)
  5. Take a 2 Minute Break
  6. 15 Crunches
  7. 5 Burpees
  8. 20 Leg raises
  9. 10 Squats
  10. Take a One minute Break and Repeat!
  11. Stretch. 
( If you want to use weights, stretch, and then do some arm exercises.
Examples: Curls, Pushups, Arm Circles. Start with 5 pounds, maybe even 3 if you aren't used to using weights. Remember to listen to your body! )

Remember, push yourself, see where your body can go! So, who's ready to hop on the fit train and have the ride of their life?