Sunday, May 11, 2014

Lets hear it for the Mothers of the world!

Inspirella here! ( I am going to share a special workout with you today, but first I have something for all the mommas out there. ) Happy Mother's Day to all you wonderful ladies that have kiddos, grand kids, or are a fur momma. Your love is the most special in the world. Without your love, we wouldn't have come so far.

A mother's love is a special kind of love.
A love so strong, not even the devil can destroy it.
When a child is born, and momma sees that little soul for the first time, that's when the unconditional love begins.
Mother's are a special kind of person.
They are strong, selfless, confidant, and loving.
As they watch their baby grow into a toddler, tears form in their eyes.
The little one who not so long ago depended on mom to hold them, doesn't need to be held up for support any longer.
The little one waddling around is becoming independent right before mommas eye.
Soon enough the innocent eyed child is off to school, making friends, isn't home all the time.
Moms heart begins to cry.
Her little baby just isn't so little anymore.
Before they know it, their child is graduating high school. Their baby has come so far.
They have fought, cried, and laughed together.
The love of a mother is a love so strong and so caring that the little baby momma saw on day one, is still inside the grown child standing in front of her. She sees the innocent eyes of her baby looking at her and calling for help, saying, don't worry mom, I still need you, just as much as I needed you on day one.
(Poem By: Brittney Jarzenski)

Moms are the most influential people in the world, and they certainly deserve a day all to themselves to be reminded of how amazing they are. I love my momma and can't wait to see her again. <3
So call up your mom today if you aren't home, send her some love, and let her know she is appreciated.
Happy Mother's Day mommas.


Special workout as promised, right here. Since today is Mother's Day,
I figured I would do a workout inspired by my mother and childhood. Are you ready?

Warm Up:
Jumping Jacks [One Minute.]
Butt Kicks [30 seconds]

This workout is going to be centered around childhood, so grab a partner for this one!
Take a 15-30 Second break in between exercises.

-Wheel Barrow (whole length of room)
(Remember when you would have a friend hold up your legs and you would walk 
on your hands, yeah, that is such a good arm workout and builds your strength.)
-Sit ups (10 reps)
(Have your partner hold your feet for more support.)
-Leg lifts (20 reps)
(Have your partner stand behind you as you lie with your back on the ground,
grab your partners ankles and lift your legs, your partner will then push
your legs back to towards the floor. Make sure your feet do not hit the floor again.)
-Mountain Climbers (15 reps)
-Play Ball (10 reps)
(So, grab a ball that weighs 5 pounds, get into crunch position and do a crunch,
when you come up from the crunch, trow the ball to your partner. They will throw it back
and you will go back down to regular position.)

Rest and repeat. 
Remember to stretch afterwards, so we don't pull a muscle.

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